
Approximate costs are shown here!

You can find out the exact costs of your planned event by filling in the application form below the price list, as well as by writing an e-mail or calling.


  • Weekend offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (May-October) 3000 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Fridays from 12:00 and checkout on Sundays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Weekday offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (May-October) 2800 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Tuesdays from 12:00 and checkout on Thursdays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Weekend offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (November-April) 2000 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Fridays from 12:00 and checkout on Sundays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Weekday offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (November-April) 1800 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Tuesdays from 12:00 and checkout on Thursdays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Offer of the premises for other events (May-October) 1500 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house from 17:00 and checkout on next day until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Offer of the premises for other events (November-April) 1350 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house from 17:00 and checkout on next day until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Stream Terrace with the hot water tub 100 EUR
  • Movable bar counter 70 EUR
  • Marriage arch 50 EUR
  • Bundle of firewood 5 EUR


  • Weekend offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (May-October) 3500 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Fridays from 12:00 and checkout on Sundays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Weekday offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (May-October) 3000 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Tuesdays from 12:00 and checkout on Thursdays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Weekend offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (November-April) 2400 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Fridays from 12:00 and checkout on Sundays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Weekday offer of the premises for wedding celebrations (November-April) 2000 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house on Tuesdays from 12:00 and checkout on Thursdays until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Offer of the premises for other events (May-October) 1800 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house from 17:00 and checkout on next day until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Offer of the premises for other events (November-April) 1350 EUR

    Check-in at the guest house from 17:00 and checkout on next day until 12:00. The price includes accommodation for up to 50 persons, round and square tables, white wooden chairs.

  • Stream Terrace with the hot water tub 100 EUR
  • Movable bar counter 70 EUR
  • Marriage arch 50 EUR
  • Bundle of firewood 5 EUR

You are welcome to fill in the application form, and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the matters you are interested in!